Discount Mason R18X18MSW Mini Super W Natural Rubber Vibration Isolation Pad, 18" Length x 18" Width x 3/4" Thick

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Mason R18X18MSW Mini Super W Natural Rubber Vibration Isolation Pad, 18" Length x 18" Width x 3/4" Thick
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This review on Mason R18X18MSW Mini Super W Natural Rubber Vibration Isolation Pad, 18" Length x 18" Width x 3/4" Thick Best Price for Sale. If you are interested buying, Find cheap price this site it will save your money. Read review & Compare price at different stores. You will enjoy the shopping convenience and the service of the superior quality and experience the lowest price at the main store.

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Mason R18X18MSW Mini Super W Natural Rubber Vibration Isolation Pad, 18" Length x 18" Width x 3/4" Thick Details & Features

Mason , Super W Pads should be used in full squares. Select the minimum number of squares required and design pad to the most convenient square or rectangle. The use of additional squares results in more conservative loading. Load is 980 lbs. 50 Duro capacity is 180 lbs. Pads may be stacked with 16 gauge shims between layers for increased deflection. Natural rubber for maximum resilience and vibration isolation. Contains antioxidants and anti-ozonants to improve aging. Pads can be used to reduce noise, high frequency vibration and impact from typical machines as follows: chillers, compressors, hvac units, vent sets, pumps, motor generators, transformers, diesel generators, punch presses, lathes, saws, power presses, drill presses. Measures 18" length by 18" width. ...

Here are some of the great features of Mason R18X18MSW Mini

  • Pads may be stacked with 16 gauge shims between layers for increased deflection
  • It consists of 81 - 2" modules
  • Super W pads should be used in full squares
  • Natural Rubber for maximum resilience and vibration isolation; it contains antioxidants and anti-ozonants to improve aging
  • Measures 18" length by 18" width

Mason R18X18MSW Mini
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Discount Mason R18X18MSW Mini. Best Deals Mason R18X18MSW Mini Super W Natural Rubber Vibration Isolation Pad, 18" Length x 18" Width x 3/4" Thick Reasonable Price. Order Today with Free & Fast Shipping. Just a few more days to SAVE!.

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